Novel Endoscopic Therapies for Benign Gastro-Esophageal Disease

All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated. Unless otherwise noted, speakers have nothing to disclose.


Ryan Levy, MD, FACS
Biniam Kidane, MD, MSc, FRCSC


  1. POEM: When and How?
    Anne-Sophie Laliberte, MD
    Disclosure(s): Astra Zeneca: Speaker (Terminated); Pfizer Canada Inc: Speaker (Terminated)
  2. Long Term Outcomes of Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation: A comparative cohort study with Nissen Fundoplication
    Kelly E. Daus, MD
  3. Invited Discussant
    Hasan F. Batirel, MD, PhD
    Disclosure(s): Medtronic: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Astra Zeneca: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Terminated, October 13, 2022); Johnson & Johnson Ethicon: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  4. Endoscopic Antireflux Therapies
    Brian E. Louie, MD
    Disclosure(s): Implantica (Reflux Stop) (CE Mark Approved, Not FDA Approved): Consultant; Omega-Cuff (Not FDA Approved): Data and Safety Monitoring Board; Olympus Corporation of America: Educational Grants; Boston Scientific: Educational Grants; Medtronic/Covidien: Educational Grants; Torax Medical Incorporated/Johnson and Johnson: Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Terminated); Intuitive Surgical: Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Terminated)
  5. Total Endoscopic Therapy for Esophageal Diverticula?
    Biniam Kidane, MD, MSc, FRCSC
    Disclosure(s): AstraZeneca; BMS; Merck; Roche/Genentech: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  6. Endoscopic Management of Esophageal Surgery Complications
    Monisha Sudarshan, MD MPH
  7. Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A
Activity summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.50 Participation
Activity opens: 
Activity expires: 

Available Credit

  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.50 Participation


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All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated. Unless otherwise noted, speakers have nothing to disclose.


Ryan Levy, MD, FACS
Biniam Kidane, MD, MSc, FRCSC


  1. POEM: When and How?
    Anne-Sophie Laliberte, MD
    Disclosure(s): Astra Zeneca: Speaker (Terminated); Pfizer Canada Inc: Speaker (Terminated)
  2. Long Term Outcomes of Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation: A comparative cohort study with Nissen Fundoplication
    Kelly E. Daus, MD
  3. Invited Discussant
    Hasan F. Batirel, MD, PhD
    Disclosure(s): Medtronic: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Astra Zeneca: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Terminated, October 13, 2022); Johnson & Johnson Ethicon: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  4. Endoscopic Antireflux Therapies
    Brian E. Louie, MD
    Disclosure(s): Implantica (Reflux Stop) (CE Mark Approved, Not FDA Approved): Consultant; Omega-Cuff (Not FDA Approved): Data and Safety Monitoring Board; Olympus Corporation of America: Educational Grants; Boston Scientific: Educational Grants; Medtronic/Covidien: Educational Grants; Torax Medical Incorporated/Johnson and Johnson: Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Terminated); Intuitive Surgical: Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Terminated)
  5. Total Endoscopic Therapy for Esophageal Diverticula?
    Biniam Kidane, MD, MSc, FRCSC
    Disclosure(s): AstraZeneca; BMS; Merck; Roche/Genentech: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  6. Endoscopic Management of Esophageal Surgery Complications
    Monisha Sudarshan, MD MPH
  7. Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A