How Do We Educate the Cardiothoracic Surgeons of the Future?

All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated. Unless otherwise noted, speakers have nothing to disclose.


Stephen Yang, MD FACS MAMSE
Disclosure(s): DaVinci Intuitive Surgical: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)

Rita Milewski, MD, PhD
Disclosure(s): Destiny Pharmaca: Advisory Board (Ongoing)


  1. Promoting Diversity in Cardiac Surgery - The Next Surgeon High School Mentorship Program
    Lina A. Elfaki, MD MSc
  2. Vascular i5 + CT Fellowship: This Is the Way
    Alan B. Lumsden, MD
    Disclosure(s): AneuMed: Advisory Board (Ongoing); BSCI: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Siemens Healthineer: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); WL Gore: Consultant (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  3. Pursuit of Advanced Fellowships in Integrated Versus Traditional Thoracic Surgery Residents
    Adishesh Narahari, MD, PhD
  4. Can We Still Create Surgeon Scientists?
    William Baumgartner, MD
  5. Is the Pipeline Leaking? Evaluating Real-World Results in Attracting and Retaining Diverse and Inclusive Elite Talent into our Specialty
    Leah M. Backhus, MD, MPH
    Disclosure(s): Astra Zeneca: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Speaker (Ongoing); Roche Genentech: Advisory Board (Ongoing)
  6. Update from the ABTS: Written and Oral Exam Changes
    Stephen C. Yang, MD FACS MAMSE
    Disclosure(s): DaVinci Intuitive Surgical: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  7. Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A
Activity summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.50 Participation
Activity opens: 
Activity expires: 

Available Credit

  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 1.50 Participation


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All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated. Unless otherwise noted, speakers have nothing to disclose.


Stephen Yang, MD FACS MAMSE
Disclosure(s): DaVinci Intuitive Surgical: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)

Rita Milewski, MD, PhD
Disclosure(s): Destiny Pharmaca: Advisory Board (Ongoing)


  1. Promoting Diversity in Cardiac Surgery - The Next Surgeon High School Mentorship Program
    Lina A. Elfaki, MD MSc
  2. Vascular i5 + CT Fellowship: This Is the Way
    Alan B. Lumsden, MD
    Disclosure(s): AneuMed: Advisory Board (Ongoing); BSCI: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Siemens Healthineer: Consultant (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); WL Gore: Consultant (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  3. Pursuit of Advanced Fellowships in Integrated Versus Traditional Thoracic Surgery Residents
    Adishesh Narahari, MD, PhD
  4. Can We Still Create Surgeon Scientists?
    William Baumgartner, MD
  5. Is the Pipeline Leaking? Evaluating Real-World Results in Attracting and Retaining Diverse and Inclusive Elite Talent into our Specialty
    Leah M. Backhus, MD, MPH
    Disclosure(s): Astra Zeneca: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Speaker (Ongoing); Roche Genentech: Advisory Board (Ongoing)
  6. Update from the ABTS: Written and Oral Exam Changes
    Stephen C. Yang, MD FACS MAMSE
    Disclosure(s): DaVinci Intuitive Surgical: Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
  7. Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A