1 Start 2 Complete Your Name * Your Email * Your Practice Location * Community practice Academic practice Your Background * Nurse Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Cardiac Surgeon Cardiac Anesthesiologist Intensivist Perfusionist Other... Your Background Other... Have you previously attended an in-person STS Perioperative and Critical Care Meeting (previously known as FACTS-CARE)? * Yes No [YES] Which year(s) did you attend? * [NO] If no, why not? * STS is committed to continuing its focus on perioperative and critical care education in the future. In 2023 and beyond, would your preference be to participate in (select one): * In-person events Virtual/online activities For in-person activities, would you prefer (select one): * To attend the STS Annual Meeting where a dedicated perioperative/critical care track/symposium is available (held in January) To attend a standalone perioperative and critical care meeting (likely to be held in the fall) Additional comments: * What would be the greatest barrier to you attending either of those in-person activities? * What content/topic areas would you most like to see covered at these activities? * If a standalone perioperative and critical care meeting was re-launched, please tell us your preferences in terms of: Time of year for the meeting to be held: (Please rank in order of preference. PLEASE NOTE: You must select a unique number value for each row. The same ranking cannot be used twice.) 1 (most preferred)23456 (least preferred) January/February January/February - 1 (most preferred) January/February - 2 January/February - 3 January/February - 4 January/February - 5 January/February - 6 (least preferred) March/April March/April - 1 (most preferred) March/April - 2 March/April - 3 March/April - 4 March/April - 5 March/April - 6 (least preferred) May/June May/June - 1 (most preferred) May/June - 2 May/June - 3 May/June - 4 May/June - 5 May/June - 6 (least preferred) July/August July/August - 1 (most preferred) July/August - 2 July/August - 3 July/August - 4 July/August - 5 July/August - 6 (least preferred) September/October September/October - 1 (most preferred) September/October - 2 September/October - 3 September/October - 4 September/October - 5 September/October - 6 (least preferred) November/December November/December - 1 (most preferred) November/December - 2 November/December - 3 November/December - 4 November/December - 5 November/December - 6 (least preferred) Length of the meeting: (Please rank in order of preference. PLEASE NOTE: You must select a unique number value for each row. The same ranking cannot be used twice.) 1 (most preferred)23 (least preferred) 1 Day 1 Day - 1 (most preferred) 1 Day - 2 1 Day - 3 (least preferred) 2 Days 2 Days - 1 (most preferred) 2 Days - 2 2 Days - 3 (least preferred) 3 Days 3 Days - 1 (most preferred) 3 Days - 2 3 Days - 3 (least preferred) Reasonable registration fee if the meeting were 2 days: Location of the meeting: Washington, DC Baltimore, MD Philadelphia, PA Chicago, IL Charlotte, NC Other... Location of the meeting: Other... How has your CME allowance at your institution changed in the past 1-2 years? Increased Stayed about the same Decreased Been eliminated entirely How do you anticipate your CME allowances will change at your institution in the near future? Increase Stay about the same Decrease Be eliminated entirely Additional comments: Does your institution use ECMO nurse specialists in your CTICU? Yes No Would you (or your institution) support addition funding for ECMO certification training if offered in conjunction with a stand-alone meeting? Yes No Are you the Head of your Division of Cardiac Surgery? Yes No [YES] Would your preference be to send team members (RNs, APPs, others) to: The STS Annual Meeting if a perioperative/critical care track were available (held in January) To attend a standalone perioperative and meeting (held in the fall) [YES] Additional comments Are you the Director of your CTICU? Yes No [YES] Do you have control/input over the CME spending for your team members? Yes No [YES] Additional comments on CME spending: [YES] Would your preference be to send team members (RNs, APPs, others) to: The STS Annual Meeting if a perioperative/critical care track were available (held in January) To attend a standalone perioperative and critical care meeting (held in the fall) Both Neither [YES] Additional comments on meeting preference: Leave this field blank